Required Reading Philosophy: The Pebblebrook English
Department believes that the required reading assignment is an opportunity for
students to establish a broad literary foundation and exercise independent
reading and thinking skills. Students entering ANY English course must follow
the directions below. See chart below for specific reading assignments.
Composition: Read Parts 1 and 2. Pick 4 sections from Part 3 to read (pick
those that you think will interest you most.
Create a blog using the attached directions, or update the blog you used
in your previous English class. Set up one page each for Parts 1, 2, and
3. On each page, write a one paragraph
summary and reflection of what you learned from that chapter. For each of the 4 sections you chose from
Part 3, write a sample paragraph applying the skills you learned in that
section. (For example, if you read “Sports,” write a one paragraph piece of
sports writing using those tips. If you read “Humor,” write one paragraph using
Advanced Composition: Complete the same assignment as on-level
except you will read the entire text
and complete assignments for EACH
chapter. (Your blog address is due
to your teacher on THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL regardless of what semester you have