Tuesday, September 6, 2016

September 6 - 9, 2016

UNIT 1 TEST ON TUESDAY! The test will cover the following topics:

  1. Character Building
  2. Conflict Resolution
  3. Goal Setting
  4. Interpersonal Relationships
  5. Long Term Goals
  6. Personal Vision Statement
  7. Self-Improvement
  8. Short Term Goals

Students will watch the Documentary "Dropout Nation" and complete a film/character analysis page.

"What does it take to save a student? Every year, hundreds of thousands of teenagers in the United States quit high school without diplomas - an epidemic so out of control that nobody knows the exact number. What is clear is that massive dropout rates cripple individual career prospects and cloud the country's future. At Houston's Sharpstown High, once a notorious "dropout factory," a high-stakes experiment is underway to rescue students from the edge. FRONTLINE spent a semester immersed in Sharpstown High to produce an unforgettable portrait of four students in crisis and the teachers, counselors, and principal waging a daily, personal struggle to get them to graduation. A troubling and inspiring journey through the maze of an inner city high school, Dropout Nation investigates the causes, challenges, and potential solutions of a national emergency."

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