Saturday, April 7, 2018

April 9 - 13, 2018

Detail of activities / strategies used to engaged students:

§  Monday:

o   Opening: Sonnet Review

o    Work Session –

§  Instruction (I do):

A. Teacher will explain the Sonnet Common Assessment (Sonnet 147)

B. Teacher will do a mini-lesson on Character Types (Flat, Round, Static, Dynamic)

§  Independent Practice (You do):

A. Sonnet Common Assessment; students are only allotted 35 minutes – (Timed Assessment)

B. Students will complete practice exercises on the different character types

Closing: Ticket Out the Door – Students will think about their favorite character from a book or movie and identify which type of character they represent.

§  Tuesday:

o   Opening:  Character Types Review

o   Work Session -

§  Instruction (I do):  Teacher will explain Character Type Mini-Project

§  Independent Practice (You do): Students will complete Character Type Project (Pairs & Groups of 3)

Closing: Ticket out the Door: Who do you think is to blame for the death of Romeo & Juliet? (One pick ONE person)

§  Wednesday:

o   Opening: Discussion about the “Ticket Out the Door” from yesterday

o   Work Session -

§  Instruction (I do):  Teacher will explain Common Assessment (Who’s To Blame?)

§  Independent Practice (You do):

A. Students will complete Constructed Response (Who’s To Blame?) Students will only have 40 minutes – Timed Assessment

B. Students will complete & present their Character Type Charts from yesterday.

Closing: Ticket out the Door

§  Thursday:

o   Opening: Elements of a Plot Review

o    Work Session -

§  Guided Practice (We do): Discuss the Timeline of Events from Romeo & Juliet

§  Independent Practice (You do):

A. Students (individually or in pairs) will plot one complete ACT of Romeo & Juliet this should go hand and hand with their “Who’s to Blame Constructed Response”.

B. Students will then explain how this Act of the play determine who was to blame for the death of Romeo & Juliet. (Text Evidence & Plot Elements must be used. Students will present this to the class for a presentation grade.

Closing: Ticket out the Door

§  Friday:

o   Opening:

o   Work Session -

§  Independent Practice (You do):

A. USA TEST PREP (For those students who have not completed their assignments from the previous week & this week.

B. Students will watch the 1996 version of Romeo & Juliet

Closing: Ticket out the Door

Into The Wild - FULL TEXT