Sunday, August 27, 2017

August 28 - September 1, 2017

·       Monday:
o   Warm Up: Sustained Silent Reading
o   Opening:  EOC Prep (USA Test Prep)
o   Work Session -
§  Instruction (I do): Teacher will Review Unit 1 Theme: Coming of Age. (Springboard p. 1)
§  Guided Practice (We do): Students will discuss what “Coming of Age” means to them. Teacher will show students various movies/series that deal with the Unit Theme. Students will discuss why “Speak”(our reading from Thursday) is considered a “Coming of Age” story.
§  Independent Practice (You do): Students will unpack the embedded assessment: Writing a Short Story. (Springboard pg. 143) Students will complete the embedded assessment worksheet.
On-Level – Students will complete this form in groups of 3.
Honors – Students will complete this form individually.
o   Closing: Students will watch Alfred Hitchcock’s version of Lamb to the Slaughter while comparing & contrasting the movie version to the text. (chart)
·       Tuesday:
o   Warm Up: Sustained Silent Reading
o   Opening:  EOC Prep (USA Test Prep)
o   Work Session -
§  Instruction (I do): Teacher will review Week 2 Vocabulary words in Springboard. Teacher will explain how all the vocabulary covered so far will need to be embedded/considered while writing their short story.
§  Guided Practice (We do): We will review pages 97-99 in our Springboard books – Planning a Story.
§  Independent Practice (You do): Students will complete page 98 & 100.
Students will take notes on the Week 2 Vocabulary words.
Honors - Students will individually create foldables for Irony/Point of View for our classroom word wall. Students must define the term in their own words and create an example.
On-Level – Students will create a class chart on Irony/Point of View.
o   Closing: Students will share their foldable with a partner.
o   Warm Up: Sustained Silent Reading
o   Opening:  EOC Prep (USA Test Prep)
o   Work Session -
§  Instruction (I do): Teacher will review the importance of USATESTPREP assignments. Teacher will show students how to access the assignments/tests.
§  Guided Practice (We do):  We will do a quick review before our quiz. Quiz will cover the following: Plot Elements, Irony, Characterization, Point of View and Week 1 Vocabulary words from their Springboard books.
§  Independent Practice (You do): Students will take a quiz on all elements covered so far in the Unit. This will prepare them for creating their own short story as all elements should be present in their own story.
o   Closing: Students will be given their USATESTPREP log in information. Students will begin receiving weekly assessment online for a grade.
·       Thursday:
o   Warm Up: Sustained Silent Reading
o   Opening:  EOC Prep (USA Test Prep)
o   Work Session -
§  Instruction (I do): Teacher will review expectations for their Coming of Age short story. (Topic ideas, length, elements needed)
§  Guided Practice (We do): Students will read a “Coming of Age” short story as a class. We will break how what make this story a great example.
§  Independent Practice (You do): Students will begin brainstorming about their short story about Coming of Age. This assignment will be due Monday.
o   Closing: Students will partner share their brainstorm ideas. Students are expected to provide and openly receive constructive feedback from their partner.
·       Friday:
o   Warm Up: EOC Prep Point of View
o   Opening:  Sustained Silent Reading
o   Work Session -
§  Instruction (I do): Teacher will review expectations for their Coming of Age short story. (Topic ideas, length, elements needed)
§  Guided Practice (We do): Students will have one on one conferences with me about their short story brainstorm ideas. I will make sure all students are following the guidelines of creating a “Coming of Age” short story.
§  Independent Practice (You do):  Students will begin writing their short stories.
o   Closing: Students must complete their Embedded Assessment Brainstorm sheet. This is due before leaving the class.

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