Sunday, March 25, 2018

March 26 - 30, 2018

§  Monday:

o   Opening: Teacher will give the class a whole group quiz. Students will complete the quiz, individually and teacher will call students (at random) to answer each question. (ACT II)

o    Work Session –


§  Instruction (I do): Review Acts I & II from last week

§  Guided Practice (We do): Teacher & students will continue reading: Act III

§  Independent Practice (You do): Students will complete the ACT III Study Guide.

Closing: Ticket Out the Door

§  Tuesday:

o   Opening: Sonnet Review

o    Work Session –

§  Instruction (I Do): Review Scenes from yesterday’s reading (Act III)

§  Guided Practice (We do): Teacher & students will finish reading: Act III

§  Independent Practice (You do): Students will complete the ACT III Study Guide.

Closing: Ticket out the Door – Students will talk with an elbow partner about what they think will happen next in Act IV.

§  Wednesday:

o   Opening: Sonnet 147 (UNIT 3 Common Assessment)

o    Work Session -

§  Instruction (I do):  Review Scenes from yesterday’s reading (End of Act IV)

§  Guided Practice (We do): We will begin reading ACT IV

§  Independent Practice (You do): Students will begin ACT IV Study Guide

Closing: Ticket out the Door

§  Thursday:

o   Opening: Class Quiz (Acts III & IV)

o    Work Session -

§  Instruction (I do):  Teacher will give the class a whole group quiz. Students will complete the quiz, individually and teacher will call students (at random) to answer each question.

§  Guided Practice (We do): We will finish Act IV & begin Act V

§  Independent Practice (You do): Students will finish ACT IV Study Guide

Closing: Ticket out the Door

§  Friday:

o   Opening: Timeline of Events (the play take place in less than a week)

o    Work Session -

§  Instruction (I do):  Review scenes from yesterday’s reading (ACT IV & V)

§  Guided Practice (We do): We will finish Act V.

§  Independent Practice (You do): Students will complete ACT V study guide.

Closing: Ticket out the Door: Who do you think is to blame for the death of Romeo & Juliet?

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