Sunday, September 17, 2017

September 18 - 22, 2017

How will the students learn?
Detail of activities / strategies used to engaged students:
·       Monday:
o   Warm Up: Sustained Silent Reading
o   Opening:  Common Assessment #3
o   Work Session -
§  Instruction (I do): Teacher will introduce Unit 2: Defining Style and Rhetorical Appeals in the Springboard books on page 69.
§  Guided Practice (We do): Teacher will begin teaching Unit 2 Vocabulary – Ethos, Pathos, Logos (pg.69); Students will take notes in their interactive notebooks.
We will read “America’s Schoolchildren” a Speech written by Barack Obama on page 70.
§  Independent Practice (You do): Students will complete the Second Read/Comprehension questions on pages 74-75.
o   Closing:  Students will share/review their answers with an elbow partner.

·       Tuesday:
o   Warm Up: Sustained Silent Reading
o   Opening:  EOC Prep (USA Test Prep)
o   Work Session -
§  Instruction (I do): Teacher will introduce SOAPSTONE/SMELL Reading Strategies.
Teacher will introduce Mini-Lesson (Rhetorical Appeals)
§  Guided Practice (We do): As a class, we will complete both a SOAPSTONE & SMELL Chart for the speech we read on yesterday. This can be found on page 76 -77 in the Springboard books.
§  Independent Practice (You do): Students will begin working on their Ethos, Logos, Pathos Mini-Project
o   Closing: Student will write down any questions or ah-ha moments they had when completing the two reading strategy charts.

·       Wednesday:
o   Warm Up: Sustained Silent Reading
o   Opening:  EOC Prep (USA Test Prep)
o   Work Session -
§  Instruction (I do): Teacher will explain the important of today’s Common Assessment. Students will have to mimic an EOC short response questions for this week’s assessment.
§  Independent Practice (You do): Students will complete their CTLS Common Assessment #4 – Written Response. This assessment will be completed using this laptops.
o   Closing:  Ticket out the door – How do you feel you did on this assessment? Was this test more difficult that the last 3 tests? Why or Why not?
·       Thursday:
o   Warm Up: Sustained Silent Reading
o   Opening:  EOC Prep
o   Work Session -
§  Instruction (I do): Teacher will review the Do’s & Don’t’s of Presenting Powerpoint with the class.
§  Guided Practice (We do):  Teacher will assist any students who need help with their Rhetorical Appeal mini-project.
§  Independent Practice (You do): Students will continue and finish their Rhetorical Appeal Mini-Projects and present them to the class.
o   Closing:  Students will write down a Grow & Glow for one person in the class in relation to their mini-project. (Those students who didn’t present will finish on Friday)
·       Friday:
o   Warm Up: Sustained Silent Reading
o   Opening:  EOC Prep (USA Test Prep)
o   Work Session -
§  Instruction (I do) Teacher will discuss UNIT 1 Test (How many sections, how many questions, how this test will be graded, etc.) This is the first test that the students have taken so teacher will stress the importance of doing well.
§  Guided Practice (We do):  Whole class review on the items that will be seen on their Unit Test.
§  Independent Practice (You do): Unit 1 Test: Plot Elements, Irony, Point of View, Tone, Mood, Theme, Springboard Vocabulary Words & all terms will have covers thus far.
Student Presentations: Those who did not get a chance to present on Thursday will present today.
o   Closing: Review the Unit 1 Test and answer any questions that the students may have concerning it.

Monday, September 11, 2017

September 11 - 15, 2017

How will the students learn?
Detail of activities / strategies used to engaged students:
·       Wednesday:
o   Warm Up: Sustained Silent Reading
o   Opening:  EOC Prep (USA Test Prep) – Students will need to activate their USA test prep account by Thursday. Assignment will be posted online and due by Monday.
o   Work Session -
§  Instruction (I do): On-Level -Teacher will review Activity 1.5 in Springboard books. All Classes – Teacher will discuss the difference between Prose & Poetry found in Activity 1.8 in the Springboard books.
§  Guided Practice (We do): On-Level – Teacher & students will complete Activity 1.5 together.  As class, we will read the two narratives “Always Running” & “Race Politics” in the Springboard books.
§  Independent Practice (You do): Students will complete the second read activity on pages 41-42. (#1-10)
o   Closing:  Students will review the questions with an elbow partner and together that will write down one question that they still have regarding the two readings as a ticket out the door.
·       Thursday:
o   Warm Up: Sustained Silent Reading
o   Opening:  EOC Prep (Parallelism)
o   Work Session -
§  Instruction (I do): Teacher will introduce the RAFT Strategy. (pg. 44 in the Springboard book)
§  Guided Practice (We do):  Teacher & students will walk through the “Working Through Text” Activity on page 42. We will have an open discussion on the difference between the Prose & Poetry narratives given.
§  Independent Practice (You do): Students will continue completing Activity 1.8 starting with #11 on page 42. Students will also complete the RAFT Activity with a partner (Honors) or group (On-Level)
o   Closing:  Students will share their RAFT charts with the class.
·       Friday:
o   Warm Up: Sustained Silent Reading
o   Opening:  Common Assessment #3
o   Work Session -
§  Instruction (I do): Teacher will review the following vocabulary elements/terms: Tone, Irony, & Allusions
§  Guided Practice (We do):  As a class, we will read “The Gift of the Magi” on page 107 in the Springboard book.
§  Independent Practice (You do): Students will complete the Second Read Activity on pages 111-112.
o   Closing: Students will discuss the Irony found in “The Gift of the Magi” with an elbow partner.

Friday, September 8, 2017


Instructions for USA TEST PREP
Login into
If you have an account, login in with the login and password that you created.
If you do not have one, OR you have forgotten your login information please follow these steps below:
·       Click “login”

·       On the left side of the page, click “Create account”

Access id: pebblebrook
Student activation coded: stu1223

·       Once you have entered this information, create your personal user id & password. Make sure you remember this info.

·       Once you have completely logged in, on the left side of the screen click “join class” do NOT join a party

·       Find my name:  Velrastine Shaw & add yourself to your class. (1st, 2nd or 4th period depending on when you have my class)

·       Click “add assignments”

·       Complete ALL assignments that are assigned under my name

You will have multiple attempts on a few assignments. You have to have a 70% for the score to count as PASS.  I will received an email when you have completed or attempted an assignment.

Monday, September 4, 2017

September 4 - 8, 2017

·       MondayNO SCHOOL – LABOR DAY
·       Tuesday:
o   Warm Up: Sustained Silent Reading
o   Opening:  EOC Prep (USA Test Prep)
o   Work Session -
§  Instruction (I do): Teacher will introduce Activity 1.5 in the Springboard books. Teacher will also introduce Week 2 Vocabulary words and Double Entry Journals.
§  Guided Practice (We do): Students will take notes on the Week 2 Vocabulary words (Cornell Notes).
We will read “Marigolds” by Eugenia Collier in the Springboard books starting on page 16.
On-Level: Whole Class Reading
Honor: Silent Reading
§  Independent Practice (You do): Students will complete the Comprehension Questions on pages 23-25.
o   Closing: Students will create a Frayer model for 1 of the 3 Third-Person Point of Views that we’ve learned. These will be added to our class word wall.
·       Wednesday:
o   Warm Up: Sustained Silent Reading
o   Opening:  EOC Prep (USA Test Prep)
o   Work Session -
§  Instruction (I do): Teacher will review Diction, Imagery, Connotation & Denotation. Guided Practice (We do):  As a class, we will complete the activities on pages 25 - 26 in the Springboard books.
§  Independent Practice (You do): Students should also complete Activity 1.7. This will be wrap-up to our “Coming of Age” Unit.
o   Closing:  Students will share their interview questions with a partner.
·       Friday:
o   Warm Up: EOC Prep Point of View
o   Opening:  Teacher will review the importance of USATESTPREP assignments. Teacher will show students how to access the assignments/tests. Students in all blocks will need to register for USATEST Prep by Monday.
o   Work Session -
§  Instruction (I do): Teacher will do a quick review before our quiz. Quiz will cover the following: Plot Elements, Irony, Characterization, Point of View and Week 1 Vocabulary words from their Springboard books.
§  Guided Practice (We do):  Students will take a quiz on all elements covered so far in the Unit and review answers for clarity as a whole class.
§  Independent Practice (You do): After the quiz, students will begin reading “Two Version of One Narrative – Activity 1.8.
o   Closing: Students will review their readings with a partner. Students should be prepared to answer comprehension questions about the readings on Monday.

Into The Wild - FULL TEXT