Sunday, October 22, 2017

October 23 - 27, 2017

Detail of activities / strategies used to engaged students:
·       Monday:
§  Warm Up: USATESTPREP Poll on Parallelism
§  Opening:  Common Assessment #7 (Pre-test)
§  Work Session –
§  Instruction (I do): Character Type Lesson: Protagonist, Antagonist, Dynamic, Static, Flat, Round
§  Guided Practice (We do): We will begin reading Chapter 4 of Animal Farm.
§  Independent Practice (You do):  Students should continue working on their Double Entry Journals &/or their character analysis sheets in their interactive notebooks.
§  Closing: Ticket out the Door: Teacher will check to make sure everyone has completed at least Chapter 1’s Double Entry Journal.
·       Tuesday:
§  Opening:  Chapter 3 & 4 Class Quiz (Animal Farm)
§  Work Session -
§  Instruction (I do): Teacher will review Direct/Indirect Characterization.
§  Guided Practice (We do):
1. Students will be asked to walk around the room and read the quotes posted on the wall that were taken from Chapters 1-4 of Animal Farm. Students must decide whether the quote shows Direct or Indirect Characterization & explain why. (Gallery Walk)
2. We will begin reading Chapter 5 of Animal Farm. (Popcorn Reading)
§  Independent Practice (You do): Students should continue working on their Double Entry Journals &/or their character analysis sheets in their interactive notebooks.
§  Closing: Ticket Out the Door: Not that we’ve met all the important animals on the farm, what do you think about them? Which Characters can you see changing/evolving?

·       Wednesday:
§  Warm Up: EOC Prep
§  Opening:  Characterization Review
§  Work Session -
§  Guided Practice (We do):  We will continue reading Chapter 5 of Animal Farm and begin Chapter 6. (Popcorn Reading)
§  Independent Practice (You do): Students should continue working on their Double Entry Journals &/or their character analysis sheets in their interactive notebooks.
§  Closing:  Ticket Out the Door: Teacher will check to make sure everyone has completed Chapters 2 & 3 Double Entry Journals.
·       Thursday:
§  Warm Up: EOC Prep
§  Opening:  Characterization Review
§  Work Session -
§  Instruction (I do): We will discuss how the characters are evolving so far in the story. Who seems to be a Dynamic, Static, Flat or Round Character thus far?
§  Guided Practice (We do):  We complete Chapter 6 of Animal Farm. (Popcorn Reading)
§  Independent Practice (You do): Students should continue working on their Double Entry Journals &/or their character analysis sheets in their interactive notebooks.
§  Closing:  Ticket Out the Door: Students will decide which characters are the Protagonist and Antagonist. Which characters are Flat, Round, Dynamic, and Static.
·       Friday: (Teacher will be absent)
§  Independent Practice (You do): Students will completed a constructed response about the Animal Farm.
§  Closing:  Students should turn in all work into the substitute.

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